ಕೋಳಿ ಕಳ್ಳ Kannada Story | Hen Thief ಕನ್ನಡ ಕಥೆ | Fun & Comedy Village Stories | Maa Maa TV Kannada

ಕೋಳಿ ಕಳ್ಳ:
ಕೋಳಿ ಕಳ್ಳ Kannada Story | Hen Thief ಕನ್ನಡ ಕಥೆ | Fun & Comedy Village Stories | Maa Maa TV Kannada.
A man had a hen business,everyday he counts his hens.One day his counting is low.so,one day night he observed what happening.Finally he knows the reason.Did you know what's that.Watch the below video for a reason.
#KannadaStory #MaaMaaTV #LatestStories #HenThief #KannadaStories #ShortStories #Kannada

About Our Channel:
Maa Maa TV is a channel with a good collection of 3D Animated Stories for the age group of 13+. This channel will be a good guide book for young and grown-up to analyze what’s good what’s bad and how to tackle the situations. This is the content that educates and gives a thought of things around us
